Bracket Prescription Kit Roth .022" - Ceramic

Package: 1 Case Prescription - 20 Units
Sale price50.000 JD


Roth Ceramic .022" Hook Can./Bicusp.
Indicated for the treatment of dental malocclusions.

Ceramic brackets do not wear out, are polycrystalline, translucent, biocompatible and do not lose their original color even in extremely aggressive environments. The translucency of the bracket assumes the same color as the tooth when applied, making it a highly aesthetic product. They offer a high degree of sliding through the rounding at the slot exits, in addition to exclusive polishing of the groove by a specific system for ceramics. In this way, the free movement of the arches is guaranteed even in conditions of great crowding. The base is constructed of micro cavities with an occlusal cervical radius. Excellent ability to adhere to enamel, as it is bi-blasted and silanized.

Injected in Alumina ceramic.

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